Antara Otonomi dan Ketergantungan: Kajian Kesejahteraan Petani dalam Pendekatan Chayanovian

Tahun: 2020 Penulis: Ciptaningrat Larastiti, Tirza Pandelaki, dan Renal Rinoza Daerah Penelitian: – Kata Kunci: Studi Agraria, Kebijakan Agraria, Reforma Agraria, Petani Deskripsi: The paper aims to elaborate on the balance between autonomy and dependency as well known in the Chayanovian tradition. The tradition uses the farming family-based analysis which intensively sees the balance between […]
Enclosure dan Kebijakan Penguasaan Lahan

Tahun: 2020 Penulis: Ciptaningrat Larastiti, Syiqqil Arofat, dan Ahmad Jaetuloh Daerah Penelitian: – Kata Kunci: Studi Agraria, Kebijakan Agraria, Reforma Agraria Deskripsi: Enclosure is an important concept in understanding how state continuously works to ensure the commodification over land and natural resources. By addressing the historical approach, the enclosure has been manifested along the mechanism […]